Clear 1 song!
Pull off a full combo on Expert!
Pull off a full combo on Oni!
Get a first grade A!
Get a first grade AA!
Get a first grade AAA!
Unlock 1 hidden song!
Unlock 5 hidden songs!
Unlock 10 hidden songs!
Unlock 20 hidden songs!
Unlock 30 hidden songs!
Clear 10 songs!
Unlock all hidden songs!
Clear all the challenges in HOW TO PLAY!
Purchase an item from the SHOP in QUEST MODE!
Purchase 10 male outfits from the SHOP in QUEST MODE!
Purchase 50 male outfits from the SHOP in QUEST MODE!
Purchase 100 male outfits from the SHOP in QUEST MODE!
Purchase 200 male outfits from the SHOP in QUEST MODE!
Purchase all male outfits from the SHOP in QUEST MODE!
Purchase 10 female outfits from the SHOP in QUEST MODE!
Purchase 50 female outfits from the SHOP in QUEST MODE!
Clear 20 songs!
Purchase 100 female outfits from the SHOP in QUEST MODE!
Purchase 200 female outfits from the SHOP in QUEST MODE!
Purchase all female outfits from the SHOP in QUEST MODE!
Clear all the Streets in QUEST MODE!
Complete all the Streets in QUEST MODE!
Clear 10 Clubs in QUEST MODE!
Clear 20 Clubs in QUEST MODE!
Clear 30 Clubs in QUEST MODE!
Clear all Clubs in QUEST MODE!
Complete all Clubs in QUEST MODE!
Clear 30 songs!
Clear Universe Tower in QUEST MODE!
Clear 50 songs!
Clear all the songs! (Not including Download Content songs.)
Pull off a full combo on Beginner!
Pull off a full combo on Basic!
Pull off a full combo on Difficult!